“A Bram-new comedy
you can really
sink your teeth into.”
Next up
We have a generator and shows will go on even in load shedding!
The production of these shows relies on a dedicated body of members who support the theatre either through their attendance, promoting our shows, or giving their time. For those wanting a more hands on experience we are always looking for members to assist with our productions. Click on the JOIN UP button and we’ll get in touch with you.
A reminder that Milnerton Players annual membership subscriptions for the year March 2022 to February 2023 are due now. Please renew your membership to support The Milnerton Players, email treasurer@milnertonplayers.com for more information.
We really value your membership and ongoing support and remember that paid up members are entitled to discount on all shows.
2024 Upcoming
DRACULA: a comedy of terrors
THE PIANO’S GOT SOUL: 27 September
SOCIAL EVENING: open mic night 13 September